- Akzo Nobel Köln
- Clariant - 6 plants in Germany
- Kronos Titan - 4 plants in Europe
- Lantmännen Agroetanol AB Norrköping, Sweden
- Vinnolit - 4 plants in Germany
- Lovochemie, Czech Republic
- Basell Orlen Polyofeins, Płock, Poland
- Bayer MaterialScience, Germany
- AGC Glass - 15 plants in Europe and Russia
- Aurubis AG Hamburg, Germany: Energy Management System, ISO50001 certified
- Aurubis AG Lünen, Germany
- Aurubis AD Pirdop, Bulgaria
- Hydro Aluminium Hamburg, Germany
- VPO Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Xstrata Zinc, Nordenham, Germany
- OMV Deutschland Burghausen, Germany
- PKN Orlen Płock, Poland
- Orlen Lietuva Mazeikai, Lithuania
- LukOil Neftochim Burgas, Bulgaria
- LukOil Ploiesti, Romania
- Nynas AB Nynäshamn and Gothenburg, Sweden
- Nynas UK Dundee, UK
- RWE Gas Dortmund, Germany
- Vattenfall Hamburg, Germany - Technical Controlling
- Nelja Energia Tallinn, Estonia - wind parks in Estonia
- Vattenfall, E.ON - Nuclear Power Plants, Germany
- PGNiG Warszawa, Poland - Integration of 5 power & heating plants
- Heating & Power Plant Rousse, AES power plant Galabovo, Bulgaria
- KNG Rostock, EnBW Stuttgart, Bio-Power Plant Unitherm Baruth, Germany
- GDF Suez Połaniec, Poland
- Polish Energy Partners (independent operator of 6 power plants in Poland)
- Zentiva a.s. Praha, Czech Republic
- Mondi Paper Mills in Świecie (PL), Frantschach (A), Syktyvkar (RUS), Dynas (S), Stambolijski (BG), Steti (CZ)
- International Paper Kwidzyn, Poland
- Michelin Olsztyn, Poland
- Knauf Insulation - 14 Glass Wool, Stone Wool, Wood Wool and EPS/XPS plants in Europe and Russia